Current Teaching Series
Equipping Hour Series - 9:00am
What to Expect
We gather at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings in the warehouse district of downtown Raleigh. We know that going to a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience with many questions. To help ease your visit, here are a few things that will be helpful to know.
Address: 117 S. West Street, Raleigh, NC 27603
Parking: Directly across the street from our main entrance in the Citrix parking deck.
Before the Service
There is no need to dress up. Please feel comfortable in your normal weekend clothes. When you arrive at Hosea Church, you are welcome to park in the Citrix parking deck directly across the street from our main entrance. There will be a parking attendant there to guide you. After parking, walk across the street and enter through our main entrance, just south of Morgan Street Food Hall. You will see a sign to help direct you, and a greeter will welcome you. When you walk in, feel free to find a seat in our auditorium and the service will begin shortly.
Kids & Youth
We have an excellent Kids’ Program with trusted and trained workers. Your children will learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate, fun, engaging way, while in a safe environment. Check-in for the Kids Program opens 15 minutes before the service starts (10:15 am). More info on our Kids Program can be found here.
Middle school and high school students are welcome to join us in the service. On Monday nights we have a youth group that meets at our facility on West St. For more details and meeting times you can check out our youth page and contact our Youth Director, Luke Dillard.
During the Service
Call to Worship
To begin our service, one of the pastors will read a passage of scripture to invite the church to worship God. This helps us reorient ourselves to the purpose of which we’ve gathered together on Sunday.
Songs of Worship
Next, our worship team will lead us in 3-4 songs of worship to God. The songs we sing range from historical hymns to contemporary songs with rich and deep truth. At Hosea Church, this means a biblical and heartfelt response to the Living God with gratitude and praise.
Bible Teaching
After worship, one of our pastors will teach from the Bible. We believe the Bible is the inspired, inherent, authoritative Word of God; therefore, we teach it as it is, rather than teaching our own opinion. We believe in expository preaching, which simply means we aim to declare the truth of the passage in the way God originally intended it. We aim to teach the Bible in a way that is clear and understandable to all, regardless of church experience. We hope that you leave challenged and inspired to apply the Bible to your life.
As the last worship song plays at the conclusion of each service, those who would like to receive prayer will be given an opportunity to come forward to receive prayer from a trusted member of our prayer team. We believe in a real God who offers real help and empowerment to His people, so we always make time to come to Him through prayer.
Lord’s Supper & Baptisms
On the first or second Sunday of every month we take the Lord’s Supper together at the end of our morning service. Our baptisms are also held at the morning service as needed; typically 2-4 times per year.
After the Service
The service lasts about an hour and a half. Once it ends, feel free to hang around and meet people afterward if you would like. For parents, please pick up your kids within 10 minutes of the service ending.